
I am currently Master's degree student in Control Engineering at K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran and I have joined a robotics group in Advanced Robotics and Automated System (ARAS) Lab under the supervision of Prof. Hamid D. Taghirad.

(a) General Info

  • BSc. Student of Electrical Engineering (Control),Imam Khomeini International University ;2019
  • MSc. Student of Electrical Engineering (Control), K. N. Toosi University of Technology;2019-present
  • Date of Birth: June 26; 1997

(b) Research Interests

  • Electrical Engineering Control Theory
  • Robots Control methodology, Robots-Assisted Therapy
  • Artificial intelligence Neural network
  • machine learning, deep learning

(c) Personal Interests:

  • Global Financial and Trade Markets
  • Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
  • Technologies Literature and Poetry
  • Nature Tourism, Mountaineering, Swimming, Table tennis

(d) CV Prj List:

(e) Bio:

Hi, I was born on 26 June 1997 in Qazvin. I graduated from Shahid Babaii NODET (National Organization

for Development of Exceptional Talent) high school.

I finished my B.Sc. in controls engineering at Imam Khomeini International University in 2019 with a 3.81/4

total GPA. I always believed that the most important factors to a person’s success in a specific field are their

motivation and interest in that field. Believing this idea helped me to be ranked one of the top students

during my bachelor’s position.

I started my M. Sc. program in the same major at K.N Toosi University of Technology under the supervision

of Prof. Taghirad. Now I am a member of the ARAS group. my main research interests are robotics (Robots

Control methodology, Robots-Assisted Therapy, Artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning.